Fisheries intensity

Assessment of the intensity of fishing activities divided by gear type as in Halpern et al. 2008 (i.e. demersal, destructive, high bycatch (DD); demersal, non-destructive, high bycatch (DNH); demersal, non-destructive, low bycatch (DNL); pelagic, high bycatch (PHB); pelagic, low bycatch (PLB)and gear mobility (i.e. fixed vs mobile).

di_e2b7e6c4(output = "data", grid = NULL, ...)



output folder for integrated data. That folder will be organized into the different files that are loaded, i.e. raw data, formatted data, metadata and bibtex files. By default, data are stored in a root folder called 'data/'


spatial grid used for data integration. Can be a sf object containing polygons or a stars rasters that will be used as a template


further arguments used in individual data integration pipelines, if applicable.

See also


Other pipeline functions: dp_68609420()


if (FALSE) {