This function is used to access, load and format a wide variety of data; this function calls on a series of individual scripts built to access data programmatically and reproducibly, which we refer to as data pipelines.

pipedat(uid, output = "data", crs = 4326, bbox = NULL, timespan = NULL, ...)



unique identifier of queried data. The full list of available data pipelines can be consulted using pipelines()


output folder for queried data. That folder will be organized into the different files that are loaded, i.e. raw data, formatted data, metadata and bibtex files. By default, data are stored in a root folder called 'data/'


spatial projection to use to transform the spatial data into a uniform projection


bounding box to spatially subset the queried data, if applicable. The bounding box should be of the form c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)


time span to temporally subset the queried data, if applicable. The time span should a vector containing all the years to be queried c(year1, year2, ...)


further arguments used in individual data pipelines, if applicable.


This function returns the queried raw data, formatted data, metadata and bibtex associated with the raw data.


if (FALSE) {