6 Modules

The following sections present the data and approaches used to prepare the data modules to perform both a species-scale cumulative effects assessment and a network-scale cumulative effects assessment, i.e. 1) the distribution of species (\(S_i\)), 2) the normalized distribution and intensity of environmental drivers (\(D_j\)), and 3) the species-specific sensitivity of each species to each driver (\(\mu_{i,j}\)); it further adds 2 modules to complete the assessment: 4) the metaweb of species interactions, i.e. the network of binary biotic interactions structuring local food webs, and 5) the trophic sensitivity of species (\(T_i\)), i.e. their sensitivity to trophically-mediated indirect effects (see below for more details).

6.1 Species

The assessment considers 172 marine, 8 marine mammal, and 25 seabird taxa, for a total of 205 taxa considered. We also assumed that phytoplankton and zooplankton species were present throughout the St. Lawrence System since these taxa are missing from our dataset and are required to properly consider trophic dynamics. The following sections describe the data and approaches used to evaluate their distribution on the Scotian Shelf.

6.1.1 Marine species Biotic data

We used taxa occurrence data from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) ecosystem spring (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2020c), summer (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2020d), and 4vsw (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2020a) surveys. These surveys collect data to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish and invertebrates through the Scotian Shelf, Bay of Fundy and Georges Bank. We formatted the list of taxa considered for the analyses by combining and removing taxa based on expert knowledge and bibliographic research (e.g. species of the same genus and hard to distinguish in situ were combined). Only taxa with at least 50 observations were considered for the assessment. This process yielded 65764 occurrences and 556191 absences for 172 on the Scotian Shelf (Table 6.1). All species scientific names were resolved using the taxize R package (Chamberlain et al., 2019; Chamberlain and Szöcs, 2013).

Table 6.1: List of marine species obtained through Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DF) ecosystem spring (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2020c), summer (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2020d), and 4vsw (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2020a) surveys on the Scotian Shelf, Bay of Fundy and Goerges Bank and model fit for species distribution models.
Aphia ID Scientific name Presences (n) Absences (n) \(R^2\)
125837 Aldrovandia 28 3588 0.75
158667 Alosa aestivalis 501 3110 0.23
158669 Alosa pseudoharengus 79 3532 -0.05
158670 Alosa sapidissima 676 2935 0.41
105865 Amblyraja radiata 622 2989 0.20
125909 Ammodytes 636 2975 0.26
126757 Anarhichas denticulatus 7 3604 -0.08
126758 Anarhichas lupus 261 3350 0.10
157181 Aphrodita hastata 361 3250 0.05
105727 Apristurus 34 3584 0.71
138802 Arctica islandica 662 2949 0.14
126715 Argentina silus 142 3469 0.07
107550 Argis dentata 272 3339 0.32
126147 Artediellus 184 3431 0.02
1839 Ascidiacea 788 2935 0.31
145541 Ascophyllum nodosum 212 3399 0.26
159459 Aspidophoroides monopterygius 26 3585 0.04
137683 Astarte 79 3532 -0.13
123219 Asterias 1634 2102 0.18
158490 Astropecten americanus 65 3546 0.41
158351 Atlantopandalus propinqvus 134 3477 -0.13
106057 Balanidae 26 3585 -0.13
138265 Bathypolypus 89 3522 -0.06
125669 Bathypterois 10 3601 0.28
100698 Bolocera 79 3532 -0.15
124404 Brisaster fragilis 76 3535 0.50
126447 Brosme brosme 79 3532 0.07
146142 Bryozoa 64 3547 -0.19
137701 Buccinum 48 3563 -0.22
158056 Cancer borealis 407 3204 -0.03
158057 Cancer irroratus 1176 2435 0.10
105906 Centroscyllium fabricii 78 3533 0.72
124020 Ceramaster granularis 310 3301 0.21
158407 Chaceon quinquedens 252 3359 -0.20
127338 Chauliodus sloani 89 3522 -0.14
125956 Chiasmodon 21 3591 0.40
107315 Chionoecetes opilio 723 2888 0.57
140692 Chlamys islandica 67 3544 0.03
126336 Chlorophthalmus agassizi 54 3557 -0.01
158791 Citharichthys arctifrons 31 3580 -0.13
126417 Clupea harengus 1959 1652 0.27
137704 Colus 684 2938 0.37
158960 Coryphaenoides rupestris 493 3118 0.44
127235 Cottunculus microps 16 3595 -0.25
158355 Crangon septemspinosa 148 3463 0.13
124154 Crossaster papposus 781 2830 0.41
159675 Cryptacanthodes maculatus 25 3586 -0.13
123915 Ctenodiscus crispatus 361 3250 0.38
124612 Cucumaria frondosa 645 2966 0.46
135301 Cyanea capillata 61 3550 0.38
127214 Cyclopterus lumpus 48 3563 0.05
158356 Dichelopandalus leptocerus 351 3260 0.06
124128 Diplopteraster multipes 45 3566 -0.19
158548 Dipturus laevis 68 3543 -0.15
158062 Echinarachnius parma 826 2785 0.32
126450 Enchelyopus cimbrius 266 3345 0.24
101027 Epizoanthus erdmanni 69 3542 -0.05
159817 Eumesogrammus praecisus 109 3502 0.02
127217 Eumicrotremus spinosus 41 3570 0.00
515738 Eusergestes arcticus 19 3592 -0.17
135114 Flabellum 56 3555 -0.15
111367 Flustra foliacea 116 3495 0.26
126436 Gadus morhua 1655 1956 0.15
125743 Gaidropsarus 11 3600 0.27
156103 Gersemia rubiformis 131 3480 0.42
127136 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus 53 3558 0.19
125601 Gonostomatidae 45 3572 0.60
123586 Gorgonocephalus 287 3324 0.50
127251 Helicolenus dactylopterus 8 3603 -0.15
159518 Hemitripterus americanus 455 3156 0.05
123276 Henricia 1337 2278 0.12
124043 Hippasteria phrygiana 768 2843 0.25
158833 Hippoglossina oblonga 19 3592 -0.25
127137 Hippoglossoides platessoides 1407 2204 0.36
127138 Hippoglossus hippoglossus 1689 1922 0.19
156134 Homarus americanus 102 3509 -0.02
107322 Hyas araneus 421 3190 0.00
107323 Hyas coarctatus 535 3076 0.07
126150 Icelus 28 3583 -0.09
153087 Illex illecebrosus 179 3432 0.47
107520 Lebbeus groenlandicus 43 3568 -0.08
107521 Lebbeus polaris 217 3394 -0.10
158762 Lepophidium profundorum 25 3586 -0.05
127191 Leptagonus decagonus 326 3285 0.60
123222 Leptasterias 495 3137 0.20
158551 Leucoraja erinacea 356 3255 0.02
158553 Leucoraja ocellata 847 2764 0.35
158879 Limanda ferruginea 35 3576 -0.11
159524 Liparis atlanticus 964 2647 0.26
127218 Liparis fabricii 78 3533 0.10
159526 Liparis gibbus 36 3575 -0.21
107205 Lithodes maja 331 3280 0.16
157025 Loligo pealeii 1523 2088 0.56
159184 Lophius americanus 2267 1344 0.37
154675 Lumpenus lampretaeformis 1704 1907 0.01
305353 Lumpenus maculatus 238 3373 0.55
402541 Lycenchelys verrilli 24 3587 -0.16
127107 Lycodes lavalaei 45 3566 -0.11
127117 Lycodes terraenova NA 3611 NA
127118 Lycodes vahlii 5 3606 -0.10
158554 Malacoraja senta 815 2796 0.22
126735 Mallotus villosus 108 3503 0.09
127312 Maurolicus muelleri 25 3586 0.69
126437 Melanogrammus aeglefinus 2629 982 0.52
127120 Melanostigma atlanticum 119 3492 0.22
158748 Merluccius albidus 57 3554 0.45
158962 Merluccius bilinearis 36 3575 0.57
140467 Modiolus modiolus 64 3547 -0.14
125498 Myctophidae 386 3367 0.61
126152 Myoxocephalus 1582 2135 0.25
138228 Mytilus 234 3377 -0.05
101170 Myxine glutinosa 369 3242 0.10
145 Naticidae 416 3196 0.35
126306 Nemichthys scolopaceus 64 3547 0.18
137710 Neptunea 138 3473 -0.07
183289 Nezumia bairdii 58 3553 -0.12
147037 Notolepis rissoi 270 3354 -0.10
125125 Ophiopholis aculeata 266 3345 -0.14
123574 Ophiura 175 3436 -0.06
293649 Osmerus mordax mordax 19 3592 -0.19
106854 Pagurus 159 3458 -0.07
107649 Pandalus borealis 455 3156 0.38
107651 Pandalus montagui 1662 1949 0.16
125418 Paragorgia arborea 45 3566 0.01
158826 Paralichthys dentatus 294 3317 0.12
158868 Parasudis truculenta 23 3588 0.02
107676 Pasiphaea multidentata 296 3315 0.43
128515 Pennatula aculeata 46 3565 0.53
159828 Peprilus triacanthus 78 3533 -0.05
101174 Petromyzon marinus 64 3547 -0.01
126441 Pollachius virens 1001 2610 0.21
158840 Polyipnus clarus 204 3407 0.28
939 Polynoidae 92 3519 -0.22
107563 Pontophilus norvegicus 186 3425 0.10
125166 Porania pulvillus 312 3299 0.26
123321 Poraniomorpha 166 3446 -0.05
558 Porifera 2000 1893 0.23
159571 Prionotus carolinus 34 3577 -0.14
124085 Pseudarchaster parelii 232 3383 0.07
158885 Pseudopleuronectes americanus 1174 2437 0.44
123908 Psilaster andromeda 299 3312 0.06
124147 Pteraster militaris 239 3372 -0.03
124151 Pteraster pulvillus 75 3536 -0.07
127144 Reinhardtius hippoglossoides 775 2836 0.11
178806 Sclerasterias tanneri 128 3483 0.30
107568 Sclerocrangon boreas 64 3547 0.18
127023 Scomber scombrus 628 2983 -0.03
236461 Scomberesox saurus saurus 211 3400 0.57
127278 Scopelogadus beanii 400 3211 0.58
158907 Scophthalmus aquosus 811 2800 0.51
126175 Sebastes 1526 2085 0.49
107136 Sergia robusta 29 3585 0.34
126319 Serrivomer beanii 37 3574 0.83
124160 Solaster endeca 409 3202 0.14
107531 Spirontocaris liljeborgii 122 3489 -0.01
107533 Spirontocaris spinus 87 3524 -0.10
105923 Squalus acanthias 701 2910 0.15
158737 Stomias boa ferox 371 3240 0.08
123390 Strongylocentrotus 981 2634 0.51
159358 Symphurus diomedeanus 427 3184 -0.01
126328 Synaphobranchus kaupii 53 3558 0.64
159451 Syngnathus fuscus 53 3558 -0.03
159785 Tautogolabrus adspersus 34 3577 -0.16
126154 Triglops 339 3277 0.16
159821 Ulvaria subbifurcata 24 3587 -0.14
123815 Urasterias lincki 53 3558 -0.09
301114 Urophycis chesteri 25 3586 -0.24
126503 Urophycis chuss 1273 2338 0.32
126504 Urophycis tenuis 1091 2520 0.40
172121 Vazella pourtalesi 423 3188 0.08
307180 Zenopsis ocellata 141 3470 0.31
159267 Zoarces americanus 624 2987 0.06 Abiotic data

We used environmental data characterizing the bottom-water and surface-water conditions on the Scotian Shelf using data from 1) Bio-ORACLE, which provides geophysical, biotic and environmental data layers for surface and benthic marine environments (Assis et al., 2018; Bosch and Fernandez, 2022; Tyberghein et al., 2012), 2) the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) offering a global terrain model for ocean and land, providing elevation data, in meters, on a 15 arc-second interval grid (Group, 2021), and 3) the Bedford Institute of Oceanography North Atlantic Model (BNAM) averaged over the 1990 to 2015 period for monthly temperatures and salinities at the bottom and at the surface (Wang et al., 2018a, 2018d, 2018c). See table 6.2 for more details.

Table 6.2: List of abiotic variable considered to model the distribution of taxa on the Scotian Shelf.
Name Source
Bottom chlorophyll Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom iron Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom light Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom nitrate Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom phosphate Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom phytoplankton Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom primary productivity Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bottom silicate Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface calcite Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface chlorophyll Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface dissolved oxygen Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface iron Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface nitrate Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface ph Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface phosphate Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface phytoplankton Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface primary productivity Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Surface silicate Bosch and Fernandez (2022); Tyberghein et al. (2012); Assis et al. (2018)
Bathymetry Group (2021)
Bottom temperature Wang et al. (2018a); Wang et al. (2018d)
Surface temperature Wang et al. (2018a); Wang et al. (2018d)
Bottom salinity Wang et al. (2018a); Wang et al. (2018c)
Surface salinity Wang et al. (2018a); Wang et al. (2018c) Taxa distribution

We evaluated the distribution of taxa on the Scotian Shelf using the Random Forest ensemble learner (Breiman, 2001). We used the default parameters of the randomForest R package to classify the presence or absence of taxa: 500 trees and the number of variables in the random subset at each node set to the square root of the number of variables (Liaw and Wiener, 2002). All 23 abiotic variables (Table 6.2) were used to model the distribution of species. The performance of each model was evaluated using the \(R^2\) of each species’ regression tree [Table 6.1; Allouche et al. (2006)]. We predicted the spatial distribution of all taxa within the grid of our area of interest and performed a smoothing of predictions using a bisquare kernel smoothing approach (Dos Santos et al., 2018) with a 5 km radius to avoid granular distributions; this is done to minimize the effect on the assessment of species co-occurrences necessary for the subsequent network-scale cumulative effects assessment. A threshold of 0.5 was used to transform continuous predictions to binary distributions, identifying areas where taxa are most likely to be found.

6.1.2 Marine mammals

The distribution of marine mammals in the area of interest comes from the second edition of a guidebook published for mariners who frequent the Northwest Atlantic (Le WWF-Canada et le R’eseau d’observation de mammif‘eres marins, 2021a). The purpose of this guide is to inform mariners on the problem of collisions between vessels and whales, how to minimize such incidents, to present the various species of whales and leatherback turtles in the area and where they might be present, and on areas where heightened vigilance is required. Nine species of marine mammals were selected for this guide based on their conservation status and their known risk of collision with vessels (Le WWF-Canada et le R’eseau d’observation de mammif‘eres marins, 2021a, 2021b).

The distribution of each marine mammal was assessed through the integration of 14 datasets from scientific and opportunistic surveys between 2010-2015 (Table 6.3; Le WWF-Canada et le R’eseau d’observation de mammif‘eres marins (2021c)). The area of interest covered by the guide covers the geographic boundaries of \(40^o\) to \(55^o\) N and -72\(^o\) to -48\(^o\) W. The area of interest was divided into a regular 0.05\(^o\) x 0.05\(^o\) grid and the number of sightings recorded in the 14 available databases was calculated for each species considered. A Gaussian smoothing – i.e. an interpolation method based on a normal distribution – of 0.2\(^o\) was then applied to the grid. Values in each grid cell were then normalized by the total number of sightings for a species and log-transformed to minimize the effect of extreme values.

The caveats that accompany these maps in the guide are reported verbatim in this report:

  • Sighting effort was not quantified and varies considerably in time and space. The data represent the relative occurrence of reported sightings rather than the actual density or abundance of the species.
  • The quality of some of the sighting data is unknown. Sightings are reported from individuals with varying degrees of expertise in identifying marine mammals.

Table 6.3: List of scientific and opportunistic datasets used to generate maps, including informations on the period covered by the data, the number of species and the number of observations of one or more individuals available for the analysis, and the owner of the dataset. Table from: Le WWF-Canada et le R’eseau d’observation de mammif‘eres marins (2021c).
Name of dataset Temporal series Owner Species (n) Observations (n) Scientific (S) or Opportunistic (O)
Whitehead, Université Dalhousie 1988-2019 Université Dalhousie 27 2464 S/O
WWAM 2015-2019 Parcs Canada 7 1353 S
WWAM_C 2015-2019 Parcs Canada 7 1774 S
Predator pelagic prey 2015-2018 Parcs Canada 7 816 S
NAISS 2016 Pêches et Océans Canada 39 2508 S
NARW 2017 Pêches et Océans Canada 31 2910 S
NARW 2018 Pêches et Océans Canada 39 7312 S
WSDB 1963-2019 Base de données des observations de mammifères marins et d’animaux pélagiques, Pêches et Océans Canada, Dartmouth, N.-É. [2020/02/13] 67 24538 O
TC 2018 Transports Canada 19 3517 S
MICS 2014-2018 Station de recherche des îles Mingan 11 4808 S
NOAA 2018-2020 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 5 2699 S
NARWC 2015-2019 North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 16 18190 S
AOM_MMON 2014-2019 Réseau d’observation de mammifères marins 8 4705 S
Shipping_MMON 2015-2019 Réseau d’observation de mammifères marins 35 5891 O

Of the 9 species available in the guide, 8 are present on the Scotian Shelf (Table 6.4). For our study, we resampled the distributional maps available in the guide to integrate them into our own grid. The values were then normalized between 0 and 1 by dividing each value by the maximum value observed within the grid for each species. The resulting values can be interpreted as the relative density of marine mammal sightings, with values of 0 representing a low relative density and a value of 1 a high relative density. All cells with values greater than 0 were used to identify the binary distribution of marine mammals.

Table 6.4: List of marine mammal distributions obtained through the the second edition of a guidebook published for mariners who frequent the Northwest Atlantic (Le WWF-Canada et le R’eseau d’observation de mammif‘eres marins, 2021a, 2021b, 2021c).
Aphia ID Scientific name Common name
137090 Balaenoptera musculus Blue whale
137091 Balaenoptera physalus Fin whale
137092 Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale
137087 Balaenoptera acutorostrata Minke whale
159023 Eubalaena glacialis North atlantic right whale
343899 Hyperoodon ampullatus Northern bottlenose whale
137088 Balaenoptera borealis Sei whale
137119 Physeter macrocephalus Sperm whale

6.1.3 Seabirds

The distribution of seabirds was obtained through vessel-based and aerial-based surveys and available through the Eastern Canada Seabirds at Sea (ECSAS) database (Gjerdrum et al., 2012; Service et al., 2022). All sightings of individual bird species or bird functional groups from the vessel and aerial surveys between 2006 and 2022 were combined to evaluate the distribution of birds in the area of interest. A total of 25 bird species / groups were obtained (Table 6.5).

Table 6.5: List of seabirds obtained through the Eastern Canada Seabirds at Sea (ECSAS) database (Gjerdrum et al., 2012; Service et al., 2022).
Alpha Aphia ID Scientific name Observations (n)
RAZO 137128 Alca torda 151
ALCI 136987 Alcidae 396
DOVE 137129 Alle alle 2387
COSH 1348497 Calonectris borealis 761
BLGU 137130 Cepphus grylle 238
LTDU 137071 Clangula hyemalis 150
ATPU 137131 Fratercula arctica 409
NOFU 137195 Fulmarus glacialis 1683
UNLO 136996 Gaviidae 205
UNSP 148794 Hydrobatidae 3776
UNLA 137043 Larus 273
HERG 137138 Larus argentatus 2519
GBBG 137146 Larus marinus 1302
UNSC 137002 Melanitta 177
NOGA 148776 Morus bassanus 2111
UNCO 137054 Phalacrocorax 240
UNPH 137049 Phalaropus 988
GRSH 137201 Puffinus gravis 3767
SOSH 137202 Puffinus griseus 320
MASH 137203 Puffinus puffinus 74
BLKI 137156 Rissa tridactyla 632
COEI 137074 Somateria mollissima 487
UNJA 137051 Stercorarius 192
UNTE 148764 Sternidae 92
UNMU 137041 Uria 1694

To evaluate the distribution of birds, a similar approach to that used for marine mammals was used. The area of interest was divided into a regular 0.05\(^o\) x 0.05\(^o\) degrees grid. For each species or species group, the number of sightings recorded in the ECSAS database was evaluated in each grid cell. A Gaussian smoothing - i.e. an interpolation method based on a normal distribution - of 20 \(km\) was then applied to the grid. A log transformation was then applied to minimize the effect of extreme values on the resulting maps. Cell values were then normalized between 0 and 1 by dividing by the maximum value observed for each bird across the area of interest. All cells with values greater than 0 were used to identify the binary distribution of seabirds.

6.2 Environmental drivers

We characterized the distribution and intensity of 17 environmental drivers on the Scotian Shelf during two distinct periods, i.e. 2010 to 2015 and 2016 to 2021. Temporal data was unavailable for certain drivers; in such instances, we used the same data for both periods (e.g. shipping). Drivers are divided in 4 groups: climate (n = 4), land-based / coastal (n = 6), fisheries (n = 5) and marine traffic (n = 2; Table 6.6). Drivers were log-transformed to avoid underestimating intermediate intensity values. All drivers were also scaled between 0 and 1 to obtain relative intensities and allow driver comparisons. Scaling was performed using the 99th quantile of intensity distribution as the upper bound to control for extreme values. For more details, see Beauchesne et al. (2020) and Halpern et al. (2019). The following subsections describe the approach used to evaluate the distribution and the intensity of each driver considered for the cumulative effects assessment.

Table 6.6: List of environmental drivers considered for the cumulative effects assessment of global changes on the ecological communities of the Scotian Shelf.
Groups Drivers Spatial resolution Temporal resolution Years Units Source
Climate Negative sea bottom temperature anomalies 0.2 degree Annual 2010-2019 negative anomalies Fisheries and ceans Canada (2022)
Climate Negative sea surface temperature anomalies ~2 \(km^2\) Monthly 2010-2021 negative anomalies Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Climate Positive sea bottom temperature anomalies 0.2 degree Annual 2010-2019 positive anomalies Fisheries and ceans Canada (2022)
Climate Positive sea surface temperature anomalies ~2 \(km^2\) Monthly 2010-2021 positive anomalies Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Coastal Coastal development 15 arcsecond Annual 2012-2021 \(nanoWatts\) \(cm^{−2}\) \(sr^{−1}\) Elvidge et al. (2021)
Coastal Direct human impact < 1 to > 40000 \(km^2\) Annual 2016,2021 population count Canada (2016a); Canada (2016b); Canada (2017); Canada (2022a); Canada (2022b); Canada (2022c)
Coastal Inorganic pollution Modeled $100 \(m^2\) - Betwen 2010 and 2019 % cover agriculture land Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022)
Coastal Nutrient input Modeled $100 \(m^2\) - Betwen 2010 and 2019 \(kg\) \(N\) \(yr^{-1}\) Kelly et al. (2021); Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022)
Coastal Organic pollution Modeled $100 \(m^2\) - Betwen 2010 and 2019 % cover impervious surface Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022)
Coastal Population density Modeled $100 \(m^2\) - 2015,2019 person \(ha^{-1}\) Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022)
Fisheries Demersal, destructive Lat/Lon Event based 2010-2020 \(kg\) Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Fisheries Demersal, non-destructive, high-bycatch Lat/Lon Event based 2010-2020 \(kg\) Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Fisheries Demersal, non-destructive, low-bycatch Lat/Lon Event based 2010-2020 \(kg\) Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Fisheries Pelagic, high-bycatch Lat/Lon Event based 2010-2020 \(kg\) Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Fisheries Pelagic, low-bycatch Lat/Lon Event based 2010-2020 \(kg\) Fisheries and ceans Canada (2021b)
Marine traffic Invasive species 0.01 degree Annual - \(n\) species Lyons et al. (2020a)
Marine traffic Shipping 0.1 degree Monthly 2017-2020 \(n\) ship lanes Global Fishing Watch (2022)

6.2.1 Climate Sea surface temperature anomalies

The data used to characterize sea surface temperature anomalies come from the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program [AZMP; Galbraith et al. (2021)] from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). A full description of the data and methods can be found in Galbraith et al. (2021), and we used a similar approach to that described by Beauchesne et al. (2020) to evaluate positive and negative temperature anomalies. Here, we provide a brief summary of the approach.

The surface layer is characterized using sea surface-water temperature (SST) monthly composites from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite images obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). Images used are from DFO’s Maurice Lamontagne Institute at a 1 km resolution from 1985-2013 and from DFO’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) Operational Remote Sensing group at a 1.5 km resolution since 2014. Monthly anomalies were constructed as the difference between monthly averages and the 1985-2010 climatological mean for each month.

We used temperature anomalies, i.e. deviations from long-term normal conditions between 1985 and 2010, to evaluate an annual index of stress associated with extreme temperatures between 2010 and 2021. Temperature anomalies were calculated using the difference between grid cell values with 1985-2010 climatological averages. Anomaly time series were normalized by their standard deviation (SD) to allow comparisons between areas with different temperature ranges. Grid cells whose monthly value exceeded ±0.5 standard deviation (SD) from the long-term average were considered as anomalous (Galbraith et al., 2021). Outliers in the data were defined as those that fell beyond the interquartile range * 3, identified as extreme outliers by Tukey (1977). Outlier values were capped to correspond to the 5th and 95th percentile values. Anomalies were divided into positive and negative anomalies and the absolute value of anomalies were used as the intensity of the surface-water temperature anomalies in a given cell. Only the months of May to November were included to avoid biases associated with the presence of ice cover. The sum of anomalies between 2010 and 2015, and between 2016 and 2021, were used to obtain a single value per cell per period considered for the assessment. The anomalies were then resampled on the study grid used for this assessment. Sea bottom temperature anomalies

The data used to characterize bottom-water temperature anomalies come from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ (DFO) temperature data from the summer groundfish survey on the Scotian Shelf. Bottom-water temperatures are interpolated from conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sampling performed annually at a 0.2 degrees resolution (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2022). Anomalies are evaluated as a cell value for a given year minus that cell’s value from a historical climatology. Anomalies were divided into positive and negative anomalies and the absolute value of anomalies were used as the intensity of the surface-water temperature anomalies in a given cell. Grid cells that exceeded 0.5 were considered as anomalous for this assessment. The mean anomaly intensity between 2010 and 2015, and between 2016 and 2019, for each grid cell was used to generate the final index of bottom-water temperature anomalies for each period considered.

6.2.2 Coastal Coastal development

We used lights at night as a proxy of the presence of coastal infrastructure development, as stable lights mostly capture human settlements and industrial sites. We used data from the Nighttime Lights Time Series. Nighttime light products are compiled by the Earth Observation Group at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). They use globally available nighttime data obtained from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) to characterize global average radiance (\(nanoWatts\) \(cm^{-2}\) \(sr^{-1}\)) composite images at a 15 arc-second (~200 m) resolution. We used the annual Version 2 Nighttime VIIRS DNB composites between 2012 and 2021 (Elvidge et al., 2021) to characterize coastal development in coastal areas of the Scotian Shelf. As the effects of coastal development are likely acute in its direct vicinity, we extracted average radiance values using a 2 km buffer around grid cells within 2 km of the coast. In each grid cell, we used the mean annual radiance as a proxy of the effects of coastal development in coastal areas. The first period (2010-2015) only contains 4 years of data, since radiance values are unavailable prior to 2012. Direct human impact

We used the sum of coastal populations as a proxy of direct human impact in coastal areas of the Scotian Shelf. We used Statistics Canada dissemination area and associated population counts from the 2016 (Canada, 2016a, 2016b, 2017) and 2021 (Canada, 2022a, 2022b, 2022c) censuses to evaluated the population size in coastal areas. Dissemination areas are the smallest standard geographic area in which census data are disseminated. They combine to cover all of Canada and are highly variable in shapes and sizes. The census provides population count within the boundary of each dissemination area, which we used to evaluate total coastal population.

As the effects of direct human impacts are likely acute mostly in coastal areas we calculated total population in grid cells within 2 km of the coast. Total population was measured in a 10 km buffer around each coastal cell. The total population (\(DHI\)) in each buffer was the sum of intersecting dissemination areas divided by the intersection area between buffers and dissemination areas:

\[DHI_j = \sum_{k=1}^{n_j} P_k * \frac{A_{j,k}}{A_{tot, k}}\]

where \(j\) is a buffered grid cell, \(k\) is a dissemination area intersecting \(j\), \(P\) is the population in \(k\), \(A\) is the area of the \(k\) overlapping with \(j\) and \(A_{tot}\) is the total area of \(k\). We used this approach to reduce the effects of very large dissemination areas overlapping with buffers on a very small percentage of their total area. We used the mean values from the 2016 and 2021 census for both periods of the assessment, as we did not have the data for the period between 2010 and 2015. Land-based drivers

The data used to characterize the intensity of inorganic pollution, organic pollution, population density and nutrient input in coastal areas come from an atlas of land use for coastal watershed in the Maritimes Region, hereafter the Land Use Atlas (Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly, 2022). We provide a brief summary of data and methods in this document. For more details, refer to Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022).

Coastal watershed boundaries in the Scotian Shelf Biogeographic Marine Management Sub-region were delineated using a digital elevation model (DEM) for each province was combined with national hydrographic data and calculating the flow direction and accumulation for each DEM. Stream orders for the stream network were then evaluated to locate the highest flow accumulation value for each watershed and given a value between 1 (lowest) and 4 (highest). The locations of these values were then used to identify pour points (e.g. river mouths) along the coast for each watershed. Spread of land stressors into coastal and marine environments was then modeled using a diffusive plume model using a density decay buffer based on stream order of the main pour points.

The following sections describe how this model was used to characterize the intensity of inorganic pollution, nutrient input, organic pollution and population density in coastal areas of the Scotian Shelf. Inorganic pollution

The intensity of inorganic pollution was modeled using the percentage of impervious area in each watershed.. Impervious surfaces refer to artificial structures such as roads and parking lots and industrial areas such as ports that are covered by water-resistant materials. Impervious surfaces are used as a proxy of inorganic pollution under the assumption that most of this pollution comes from urban runoff. Impervious surfaces were identified in watersheds using a combination of multiple datasets from the provinces New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Refer to the Land cover section and Table 1 of the Material and Methods in Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022) for more details. Organic pollution

We used the percent cover of agriculture land use in each watershed as a proxy of the intensity of organic pollution in each watershed. The percent area covered by agricultural land in each watershed was identified in watershed using a combination of multiple datasets from the provinces New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Refer to the Land cover section and Table 1 of the Material and Methods in Guijarro-Sabaniel and Kelly (2022) for more details. Population density

This intensity of stress caused by watershed population in coastal areas was modeled using the population density in each watershed in \(person * ha^{-1}\). Total population was estimated as the number of civic address datasets from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia multiplied by the average number of residents per household (i.e. 2.3) obtained from Statistics Canada. Population density was then evaluated as the total population in a watershed divided by the watershed area in hectares. Nutrient input

We used data from Kelly et al. (2021) to obtain the intensity of nutrient input in coastal areas of the Scotian Shelf. Kelly et al. (2021) used data from the Land Use Atlas to estimate nitrogen loading in coastal areas with the Nitrogen Loading Model (NLM) framework (McIver et al., 2015; Nagel et al., 2018; Valiela et al., 1997; Valiela et al., 2000) to estimate total (dissolved) nitrogen from point and nonpoint source inputs in coastal areas from atmospheric deposition, fertilizer use, and wastewater disposal. Data and methods used to apply the NLM framework are described in detail in Kelly et al. (2021).

6.2.3 Fisheries

The intensity and distribution of commercial fisheries on the Scotian Shelf was assessed using the Department of Fisheries and Oceans logbook program (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2021b); these logbooks provide a thorough, if not exhaustive, overview of fisheries in eastern Canada. We used data between 2010 and 2021 to characterize the distribution and the intensity of commercial fisheries on the Scotian Shelf. This period was characterized by 2986667 fishing activities targeting 80 species and a total of 111 species were captured when considering bycatch.

Fishing activities are performed using a variety of gear types (e.g. trap, trawl, dredge, driftnet, hand line, longline, scuba diving, purse seine, seine, beach seine and jig fishing), which can have different effects on species and habitats. Fisheries activities were therefore divided based on the type of environmental effects attributed to specific gear types according to the categories suggested by Halpern et al. (2008) and used by Beauchesne et al. (2020) for the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Tables 6.7 and 6.8): demersal, destructive, high bycatch (DD) demersal, non-destructive, high bycatch (DNH) demersal, non-destructive, low bycatch (DNL) pelagic, high bycatch (PHB) pelagic, low bycatch (PLB)

Gear types can be further classified into fixed or mobile gear (Table 6.8). We used the type of mobility to evaluate an expected area of effect for each fishing event, using radii of 200 and 2000 meters for fixed and mobile gear types, respectively (Beauchesne et al., 2020). This approach, while decreasing precision, considers the potential uncertainty associated with fishing activity coordinates, gear mobility, and the absence of start and end coordinates for mobile gear.

Table 6.7: Description of commercial fishing catagories used to characterize the intensity and distribution of fisheries on the Scotian Shelf.
Accronym Category Description
DD Demersal, destructive, high-bycatch Commercial fishing activities using demersal fishing gear that may damage habitats or substrate, e.g. trawling and dragging.
DNL Demersal, non-destructive, low-bycatch Commercial fishing activities using demersal fishing gear with little or no bycatch and not causing habitat modification, e.g., deep-sea fishing.
DNH Demersal, non-destructive, high-bycatch Commercial fishing activities using demersal fishing gear with high bycatch and not causing habitat modification, e.g., trap and seine.
PLB Pelagic, low-bycatch Commercial fishing activities using pelagic fishing gear with little or no bycatch and not causing habitat modification, e.g., line fishing, purse seine.
PHB Pelagic, high-bycatch Commercial fishing activities using pelagic fishing gear with high bycatch and not causing habitat modification, e.g., gillnet and longline.

Table 6.8: Classification of gear types based on their environmental effects and mobility. DD: demersal, destructive, high bycatch; DNH: demersal, non-destructive, high bycatch; DNL: demersal, non-destructive, low bycatch; PHB: pelagic, high bycatch; PLB: pelagic, low bycatch. Adapted from Beauchesne et al. (2020).
Type of gear Category Mobility
Trap DNH Fixed
Bottom trawl DD Mobile
Drag DD Mobile
Gillnet PHB Fixed
Line fishing PLB Fixed
Longline PHB Fixed
Diving DNL Fixed
Purse seine PLB Fixed
Danish or Scottish seine DNH Fixed
Shoreline seine DNH Fixed
Trap DNH Fixed
Jigger PLB Fixed

To characterize the intensity of fishing activities, we used a biomass yield density index by summing the total annual biomass captured in each grid cell covering the Scotian Shelf, yielding an assessment in kg per cell surface, i.e. \(kg * km^{-2}\) in this case. For each period considered in the assessment (2010-2015 and 2016-2021) and each fishing category, we used the mean annual biomass captured per grid cell to capture the intensity and distribution of fisheries on the Scotian Shelf.

6.2.4 Marine traffic Shipping

The data used to characterize shipping come from the Global Fishing Watch, which provides shipping data from Automatic Identification System (AIS) data globally. We obtained data between 2017 and 2020 that characterize monthly commercial shipping (e.g. cargo, reefer, tanker, bunker) as rasters with a 0.1 degree resolution, either as the number of vessels or the total hours of vessel presence in each grid cell (Global Fishing Watch, 2022). The data was also available either as direct observations from the AIS data, or interpolated to a regular interval of five minutes between points. We used the sum of the monthly interpolated number of all vessel types in each grid cell to obtain an assessment of annual shipping intensity on the Scotian Shelf. We then resampled the 0.1 degree resolution grid to our own study grid. We used the mean annual shipping intensity value between 2017 and 2020 for both periods considered in the assessment.

6.3 Species-specific sensitivity

We evaluated the relative species-specific sensitivity of all 205 taxa considered in the assessment to each stressor using a trait-matching approach, as in Beauchesne (2020). For each driver considered, Beauchesne (2020) identified traits that were known or suspected to influence the sensitivity of a species to the direct effects of that particular driver. For instance, the feeding strategy of an organism can affect its sensitivity to certain stressors. Traits were categorized to reflect their relative contribution to the sensitivity of a taxa to the effects of a stressor and allow for a comparison between taxa. For example, suspension feeders are generally more affected by nutrients and metals than deposit feeders (Ellis et al., 2017).

Beauchesne (2020) documented the body composition, the maximal body size, the type of marine environment in which species are found, the feeding mode, the mobility and the phylum of 391 taxa from the St. Lawrence. Traits data were extracted manually and automatically from several sources. Primary sources were the World Register of Marine Species [WoRMS; WoRMS Editorial Board (2017)], FishBase (Froese and Pauly, 2019), SeaLifeBase (Palomares and Pauly, 2019), the Encyclopedia of Life [EoL; Encyclopedia of Life (2020)] and the Global Biotic Interaction (GloBI) database (Poelen et al., 2014; Poelen et al., 2019). We used the taxize (Chamberlain et al., 2019; Chamberlain and Szöcs, 2013), worrms (Chamberlain, 2020) and rfishbase (Boettiger et al., 2012) R packages to extract traits data. Manual searches, mainly on the WoRMS and EoL web portals, were performed and documented when programmatic extractions were unavailable. The traits dataset from Beauchesne (2020) was updated for this assessment by using the same approach and resources to consider species of the Scotian Shelf, and to include species of marine mammals and seabirds that were not considered in Beauchesne (2020) (Table 6.9). Species that were targeted or caught as bycatch on the Scotian Shelf were also identified using the fisheries logbook data from DFO (Fisheries and ceans Canada, 2021b). The code associated with traits extraction is available at https://github.com/Ecosystem-Assessments/Species_Traits.

For each trait and taxa combination, traits were given a weight between 0 and 1 to reflect the relative contribution of that trait to a species’ sensitivity to a stressor. A weight of 0 means that a taxa possessing that trait is insensitive to a stressor, whereas a weight of 1 means that that trait renders a taxa highly sensitive to the effect of a stressor. In instances when a taxa had more than one trait (e.g. crawler and swimmer), the trait with the maximal sensitivity weight was retained. The sensitivity assessment was informed by expert knowledge and bibliographic research. Trait-matching rules and weights for each trait-stressor combination are available in Table 6.10. The relative sensitivity of each taxon was evaluated as the product of the weight given to all traits considered to assess the sensitivity of a given stressor. This process yielded a relative sensitivity assessment ranging between 0 and 1. The code to evaluate the relative sensitivity of taxa on the Scotian Shelf is available at https://github.com/Ecosystem-Assessments/Species_direct_sensitivity.

Table 6.9: List of traits used to evaluate the relative sensitivity of taxa to the effects of environmental drivers. Adapted from Beauchesne (2020).
Traits Categories Description
Body composition Biogenic silica Organism with skeleton formed by microscopic particles of silica
Bone Organism with solid skeleton made of bones
Cartilaginous Organism with solid skeleton made of cartilage
Chitinous Organism with solid skeleton made of chitin
Non-calcifying Organism devoid of calcifying skeleton
Soft-bodied, aragonite Organism with aragonite in soft tissues
Soft-bodied, calcite Organism with calcite in soft tissues
Soft-bodied, calcium phosphate Organism with calcium phosphate in soft tissues
Soft-bodied, calcium sulfate Organism with calcium sulfate in soft tissues
Skeleton, aragonite Organism with solid skeleton made of or containing aragonite
Skeleton, calcite Organism with solid skeleton made of or containing calcite
Skeleton, calcium phosphate Organism with solid skeleton made of or containing calcium phosphate
Skeleton, high-magnesium calcite Organism with solid skeleton made of or containing high-magnesium calcite
Skeleton, phosphatic Organism with solid skeleton made of or containing phosphates
Skeleton, gorgonin Organism with solid skeleton made of or containing gorgonin
Environment Bathydemersal Living and/or feeding on or near the bottom, below 200 m
Bathypelagic Occurring mainly in open water below 200 m, not feeding on benthic organisms
Benthic Living and feeding on the bottom
Benthopelagic Living and/or feeding on or near the bottom, as well as in midwater, between 0 and 200 m
Demersal Living and/or feeding on or near the bottom, between 0 and 200 m
Pelagic Occurring mainly on the surface or in the water column between 0 and 200 m, not feeding on benthic organisms
Coastal Occurring mainly along the coast, specific to seabirds
Terrestrial Occurring mainly on land, specific to seabirds
Feeding type Deposit feeder Organism that lives on or in the sediments and consumes organic material on the sea floor
Selective filter feeder Organism that actively and selectively filters waters to consume plankton or nutrients suspended in the water
Grazer Organism that feeds on plants
Parasite Organism that lives in or on another organism, benefiting at the other organism’s expense
Plankton Organism feeding exclusively on plankton
Predator Organism that actively hunts prey
Scavenger Organism that feeds on dead plant or animal material, or refuse
Suspension feeder Organism that captures and consumes particules suspended in the water, such as plankton, bacteria, detritus and particulate organic matter
Xylophagous Organism feeding on or boring into wood
Fisheries landings Targeted species Applicable to fisheries only. Taxa targeted by fishing activities.
Bycatch Applicable to fisheries only. Taxa bycatch by fishing activities.
Others Applicable to fisheries only. Taxa not targeted or caught by fishing activities
Mobility Burrower Organism that lives in a burrow dug in the sediments
Crawler Organism that crawls slowly on the bottom
Mobile Free-ranging organism
Sessile Immobile or fixed organism
Swimmer Organism with limited swimming ability
Flying Flying organisms
Phylum Annelida -
Arthropoda -
Brachiopoda -
Bryozoa -
Chlorophyta -
Chordata -
Cnidaria -
Ctenophora -
Echinodermata -
Echiura -
Mollusca -
Ochrophyta -
Porifera -
Rhodophyta -
Sipuncula -
Tracheophyta -
Size 0-100 cm Body length between 0 and 100 cm
100-200 cm Body length between 100 and 200 cm
200-300 cm Body length between 200 and 300 cm
300+ cm Body length greater than 300 cm

Table 6.10: Relative species-specific sensitivity weights for each environmental driver. Adapted from Beauchesne (2020).
Drivers Traits Categories Sensitivity
Ocean acidification Environment Bathydemersal 1.00
Bathypelagic 0.00
Benthic 1.00
Benthopelagic 0.50
Demersal 1.00
Pelagic 0.00
Coastal 0.00
Terrestrial 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Body composition Biogenic silica 0.00
Bone 0.00
Cartilaginous 0.00
Chitinous 0.00
Non-calcifying 0.00
Soft-bodied, aragonite 0.00
Soft-bodied, calcite 0.00
Soft-bodied, calcium phosphate 0.00
Soft-bodied, calcium sulfate 0.00
Skeleton, aragonite 0.90
Skeleton, calcite 0.80
Skeleton, calcium phosphate 0.80
Skeleton, high-magnesium calcite 1.00
Skeleton, phosphatic 0.00
Skeleton, gorgonin 0.80
Phylum Annelida 0.00
Arthropoda 0.50
Brachiopoda 0.50
Bryozoa 1.00
Chlorophyta 0.00
Chordata 0.00
Cnidaria 1.00
Ctenophora 0.00
Echinodermata 1.00
Echiura 0.00
Mollusca 1.00
Ochrophyta 0.00
Porifera 0.00
Rhodophyta 0.00
Sipuncula 0.00
Tracheophyta 0.00
Bottom-water temperature anomalies Environment Bathydemersal 1.00
Bathypelagic 0.00
Benthic 1.00
Benthopelagic 0.50
Demersal 1.00
Pelagic 0.00
Coastal 0.00
Terrestrial 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Feeding type Deposit feeder 1.00
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 1.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.50
Predator 0.50
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.50
Surface-water temperature anomalies Environment Bathydemersal 0.00
Bathypelagic 0.00
Benthic 0.00
Benthopelagic 0.50
Demersal 0.00
Pelagic 1.00
Coastal 0.50
Terrestrial 0.25
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Feeding type Deposit feeder 1.00
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 1.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.50
Predator 0.50
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.50
Hypoxia Environment Bathydemersal 1.00
Bathypelagic 0.00
Benthic 1.00
Benthopelagic 0.50
Demersal 1.00
Pelagic 0.00
Coastal 0.00
Terrestrial 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Feeding type Deposit feeder 1.00
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 1.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.50
Predator 0.50
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.50
Coastal development Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.50
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.25
Size 0-100 cm 0.25
100-200 cm 0.50
200-300 cm 0.75
300+ cm 1.00
Direct human impact Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.50
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.25
Size 0-100 cm 0.25
100-200 cm 0.50
200-300 cm 0.75
300+ cm 1.00
Inorganic pollution Feeding type Deposit feeder 0.75
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 0.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.00
Predator 0.00
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Nutrient input Feeding type Deposit feeder 0.75
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 0.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.00
Predator 0.00
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Organic pollution Feeding type Deposit feeder 0.75
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 0.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.00
Predator 0.00
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Demersal destructive fisheries Fisheries landings Targeted species 1.00
Bycatch 0.75
Others 0.25
For Others only Environment Bathydemersal 1.00
Bathypelagic 0.00
Benthic 1.00
Benthopelagic 0.50
Demersal 1.00
Pelagic 0.00
Coastal 0.00
Terrestrial 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Demersal non-destructive high-bycatch fisheries Fisheries landings Targeted species 1.00
Bycatch 0.75
Others 0.00
Demersal non-destructive low-bycatch fisheries Fisheries landings Targeted species 1.00
Bycatch 0.75
Others 0.00
Pelagic high-bycatch fisheries Fisheries landings Targeted species 1.00
Bycatch 0.75
Others 0.00
Pelagic low-bycatch fisheries Fisheries landings Targeted species 1.00
Bycatch 0.75
Others 0.00
Marine pollution Feeding type Deposit feeder 0.75
Selective filter feeder 0.00
Grazer 0.00
Parasite 0.00
Plankton 0.00
Predator 0.00
Scavenger 0.50
Suspension feeder 1.00
Xylophagous 0.00
Mobility Burrower 0.75
Crawler 0.75
Mobile 0.25
Sessile 1.00
Swimmer 0.75
Flying 0.00
Shipping Environment Bathydemersal 0.00
Bathypelagic 0.00
Benthic 0.00
Benthopelagic 0.50
Demersal 0.00
Pelagic 1.00
Coastal 0.50
Terrestrial 0.25
Size 0-100 cm 0.00
100-200 cm 0.50
200-300 cm 0.75
300+ cm 1.00

6.4 Metaweb

We predicted the metaweb of the Scotian Shelf, i.e. the network of biotic interactions, using a recommender approach (Beauchesne et al., 2016b). Here, we provide a brief overview of the approach, but refer to Beauchesne et al. (2016b) for more details. The approach is built on a series of logical steps that predict a candidate resource list for each taxon considered based on empirically observed interactions and on the similarity between consumers and resources. It predicts pairwise interactions given taxonomic and dietary similarity between taxa using the K-nearest neighbor algorithm [KNN; Murphy (2012)].

Predictions are informed by a catalogue of empirical interactions from all over the world (Beauchesne et al., 2016b). The interactions catalogue was built using food web data (Brose et al., 2005; Kortsch et al., 2015; University of Canberra, 2016), predator-prey interactions (Barnes et al., 2008) and pairwise interactions from the GloBI database (Poelen et al., 2014; Poelen et al., 2019). We limited the compendium to taxa found in marine and coastal ecosystems. The original interaction catalogue was built for a cumulative effects assessment of global changes on the food web of the St. Lawrence System (Beauchesne, 2020). The interaction catalogue was updated for the assessment of the Scotian Shelf using the GloBI database. We used the taxonomic families from the list of species considered for the assessment to identify all member species of those families for which interactions were available on the GloBI dataset using the rglobi package (Poelen et al., 2019). We then combined the original interaction catalogue with the interactions extracted from GloBI to form a new catalogue of biotic interactions. This process yielded a total of 183 625 pairwise interactions between 14 870 taxa to inform interaction predictions.

Taxa similarity was evaluated from taxonomic classification and sets of consumers or resources using the Tanimoto similarity measure (\(T\)), which compares two vectors \(x\) and \(y\) with \(n = \left\vert x \right\vert = \left\vert y \right\vert\) elements, and is defined as the size of the intersection of two sets divided by their union:

\[T_{x,y} = \frac{\left \vert x \cap y \right \vert}{\left \vert x \cup y \right \vert}\]

where \(\cap\) is the intersect and \(\cup\) the union of the vectors. Adding a weighting scheme, we can measure the similarity using two different sets of vectors \(\{x,y\}\) and \(\{u,v\}\):

\[T_{x,y,u,v,w_t} = w_t T_{x,y} + (1-w_t) T_{u,v}\]

A weight of 0.5 was given to taxonomy and consumers or resources to consider them simultaneously (Desjardins-Proulx et al., 2016). The taxonomy of all taxa considered was accessed and validated from WoRMS (WoRMS Editorial Board, 2017) using the taxize package (Chamberlain et al., 2019; Chamberlain and Szöcs, 2013). We included the main phytoplankton and zooplankton taxa found in the St. Lawrence System to predict the metaweb (Morissette et al., 2003; Savenkoff et al., 2004; Savenkoff, 2012); we then grouped predictions under phytoplankton or zooplankton.

This yielded a total of 772 taxa (\(S\)) for which we predicted a metaweb structured by 18 021 links (\(L\)), a link density (\(L_{moy} = L/S\)) of 23.34 and a connectance (\(C = L/S^2\)) of 0.03, which is within range of most reported food webs (Dunne et al., 2002).

6.5 Trophic sensitivity

The approach used to evaluate trophic sensitivity comes from Beauchesne (2020) and Beauchesne et al. (2021). Here, we provide a brief description of the approach; a full description is available in those works. Beauchesne et al. (2021) developed a theoretical framework to evaluate a species’ sensitivity to multiple stressors as a function of its trophic position, which we refer to as a species’ trophic sensitivity. Beauchesne et al. (2021) simulated stressors on the most empirically abundant 3-species motifs — i.e. tri-trophic food chain, omnivory, exploitative competition and apparent competition – using Lotka-Volterra models (Gellner and McCann, 2016). Negative effects of environmental pressures were simulated using combinations of equilibria equation parameters for resource growth, mortality, attack and conversion rates; these represent effects to ecological processes and their combination are the pathways through which environmental drivers affect species directly and indirectly through their ecological interactions. All possible pathways of effects – i.e. all combinations of ecological processes – were simulated for each 3-species motif considered. The difference between equilibrium population abundance before and after simulations was used as a proxy of a species’ trophic sensitivity; This represents the net effects of stressors on species and integrates all direct effects to a species, and all indirect effects propagating through its interactions with other species (Abrams et al., 1996; Beauchesne et al., 2021).

To evaluate a species’ trophic sensitivity empirically, Beauchesne et al. (2020) used simulation results from Beauchesne et al. (2021) as heuristics to infer a species’ anticipated trophic sensitivity to the effects of environmental drivers as a function of its position in the ecological network of the Scotian Shelf. Beauchesne et al. (2020) used the absolute values of simulated trophic sensitivities and considered that any effect to a species’ population dynamics, whether negative or positive, can propagate and disturb the dynamics of an ecological community. Pathways of effects were also simplified to consider only effects to population density for ease of evaluation empirically, as effects on ecological processes such as attack and conversion rates are inherently challenging to evaluate empirically, especially for many species simultaneously. We thus averaged all trophic sensitivities to all pathways of effects for each position in the 3-species motifs considred. This resulted in 124 possible trophic sensitivity values based on the position and types of ecological interactions in which a species is involved. All trophic sensitivities were scaled between 0 and 1 for the analyses. Refer to Beauchesne (2020) and Beauchesne et al. (2021) for more details, and to the description of the network-scale assessment model for a description of how trophic sensitivity values are used in the assessment of the cumulative effects of global changes on the food webs of the Scotian Shelf.