Trophic sensitivity
A dataset containing the simplified values for trophic sensitivity as measured by Beauchesne et al. 2021 (DOI: 10.1111/ele.13841) and used by Beauchesne et al. 2020 for network-scale cumulative effects assessments
A data frame with 124 rows and 10 columns:
- Motif
Name of motifs: apparent competition (ap); disconnected (di); exploitative competition (ex); omnivory (om); partially connected (pa); tri-trophic interaction (tt)
- Species
Position of species in motif (x,y,z)
- px, py, pz
Pathways of effects, whether species x, y or z are affected by disturbances
- Sensitivity
Trophic sensitivity scaled between 0 and 1
- sensitivity_original
Original value of trophic sensitivity
- pathID
Unique identifier of pathway of effect
- speciesID
Numeric ID for species position in motifs
- motifID
Numeric ID for motifs