This function is used to access, load and format a wide variety of data; this function calls on a series of individual scripts built to access data programmatically and reproducibly, which we refer to as data pipelines.
pipeload(urls = NULL, govcan = NULL, output, large = FALSE)
urls for data download
unique identifier of resource on the open government federal data portal to download
output folder for queried data.
logical, whether file to download is large and thus R options should be modified for longer timeout options. Default set to false
This function returns the queried raw data, formatted data, metadata and bibtex associated with the raw data.
if (FALSE) {
govcan <- "23eb8b56-dac8-4efc-be7c-b8fa11ba62e9"
output <- "data/"
if (file.exists(output)) dir.create(output)
pipeload(govcan = govcan, output = output)